Director Adam Schomer Talks “Selling Superman” in Latest BUZZCast Interview

The BUZZ is back with a new show in the new year, with more on the way! This episode, which was taped last month, was one of our favorites to end the year with. Adam Schomer, director of the documentary, “Selling Superman,” gave us some insight on filming this four-part series.

The series shows a man, Darren Watts, discovering over 300,000 comic books in his father’s home. Darren, as well as other family members, did not know that his father collected these books. It was only discovered after his father passed away. One of the comics that he had, a Superman #1, was worth $3.5 million. Darren must now make the decision on keeping this treasure or selling it to the highest bidder.

Schomer discussed filming the documentary, which included some harsh realities that Darren, and even us watching, had to face. We dove into the topic of mental health in our discussion as certain areas dealt with mental health awareness and support. We also asked the question…what would you do if you were placed in a similar situation? Would you sell, or would you keep?

The four-part docuseries, “Selling Superman,” is available to stream on Amazon Prime.

Watch the full interview with Adam Schomer below, or download the podcast from above:

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