“The Young and the Restless” Teasers: Week of June 27th

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Here’s a brief look at what’s to come this week of the residents of Genoa City on “The Young and the Restless”:

-Victor and Nick revisit their painful past, Mariah resorts to extreme measures to protect Sharon, and Adam is given devastating news.

-Victoria puts Billy on notice, Lily plays hardball with Hilary, and Kevin is pressured to find Victor’s accomplice.

-Jack’s romantic evening with Phyllis hits a roadblock, Billy confronts Travis about his intentions towards Victoria, and Chelsea pulls out all the stops to protect Adam!

-Billy and Phyllis play with fire, Ashley worries about her family, and Hilary suffers a setback!

-Sharon is backed into a corner, Adam is blindsided at his trial, and Victor makes a shocking announcement!


Melissa Claire Egan (Chelsea Newman) will be doing a LIVE Facebook chat on Tuesday, 6/28, at 5 PM ET/2 PM PT. Join at http://facebook.com/theyoungandtherestless

“The Young and the Restless” airs weekdays on CBS Daytime, and weeknights on Pop!

One thought on ““The Young and the Restless” Teasers: Week of June 27th

  1. The Phyllis/Billy “secret affair” might be perfectly soapy-but the only reason they’re “getting away” with it is because they have dumbed down Jack to be a complete buffoon. There have been at least a half dozen times that he should’ve been CLUED in to what is right under his nose. It’s ridiculous.
    And in my opinion it’s pretty glaringly obvious that this is a rebound/emotional affair. Yes there are real feelings. Yes they are attracted to each other, but it’s stems from anger/pain/rejection/revenge and finding solace someplace. Phyllis in my opinion is not acting like she’s in love. She’s acting like she’s trying to escape and find peace. She’s not happy in her marriage, she’s not happy with how “revenge” against Victor turned out, and she’s grasping at anything that helps her stand up. I think there’s a reason she hasn’t been as full-steam-ahead passionate in this Affair. Because Phyllis is normally an act in the moment screw the consequences girl. And she’s all wrapped up in the consequences. She’s not 100% in this thing with Billy. That is just my interpretation.
    As far as Billy is concerned. He thinks he’s in love, and he very well could be, but it’s SO OTT rebound. He’s obviously not over Victoria. He’s wounded, he’s rejected, he’s angry (and has every right to feel all of those). But why is he going after Travis this week? Why is he so offended by him?
    Victoria is no angel and has made plenty of mistakes in these last several months with Billy. (Hate that she had him fired, hate that she wouldn’t hear him about Passkey and automatically ended things) but she has been honest from the start about her feelings towards Billy. She’s confessed that just mentioning Billy brings up love, loss, jealousy, longing… She told Travis her life was a mess and she could only handle a no-strings thing (until last week). She knows Billy is still there in her head and her heart. But Billy has been verbally declaring he’s over Victoria and having these outbursts of professing feelings to Phyllis while denying he’s still feeling something for Victoria.
    IMO this affair needs to play out like a rebound-attachement affair. And it should end in a mess when it’s all said and done.

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