“Days of our Lives” Star Arianne Zucker Sues Show’s Producers for Alleged Sexual Misconduct

Arianne Zucker, who has played vixen Nicole Walker on and off since 1998 on “Days of our Lives,” is suing the show’s executive producer Ken Corday, former executive producer Albert Alarr, and Corday Productions, Inc. The actress alleges that Alarr sexually harassed her and other female employees at the show, according to TMZ. Zucker claims…

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44th Annual Daytime Emmy Award Interviews: Arianne Zucker & Shawn Christian of “Days of our Lives”

The 44th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards took place at the Pasadena Civic Center Auditorium on Sunday, April 30, 2017. The biggest and brightest of daytime television were honored, and the stars shined on the red carpet. Arianne Zucker talked with us about the upcoming four-part series, “Ladies of the Lake,” which she stars in, and…

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Daytime Emmy Nominee Reception Interviews: Shawn Christian, Ari Zucker & Greg Vaughan of “DAYS”

The Buzz attended the Daytime Emmy Nominee Reception at the London – West Hollywood, where the daytime community celebrated this year’s nominees. We spoke to several of the attendees on the red carpet. Shawn Christian (Daniel Jonas), Arianne Zucker (Nicole Walker) and Greg Vaughan (Eric Brady) from “Days of our Lives” stopped by to chat…

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