The BUZZ had the chance to sit down with Kevin Bigley & Kate Cobb, who star in the film, “OKIE.” The film is set to premiere at the 39th Annual Santa Barbara Film Festival on Saturday, February 10th.
Bigley and Cobb star as Travis and Lainey in the film respectively, which follows a man returning to his hometown after his father dies. The story itself shows what could happen when bridges are burned when you want to achieve success.
We spoke with Cobb on her film directorial debut and how Lainey is perceived as someone who is strong, but still is showing signs of a struggle. Bigley spoke to us about several of the themes depicted in the film, the concept behind the film, and how long it took to shoot the movie.
We also gave a big shout out to Bigley’s former series, “Sirens,” which aired on USA Network.
Watch the video interview with Kevin Bigley and Kate Cobb below, or you can download the podcast above!
The 39th Annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival takes place from February 7-17, 2024 at the Arlington Theatre.