Geoff Zanelli is an award-winning composer whose recent work was heard in the National Geographic Channel movie, “Killing Kennedy.” The movie starred Rob Lowe and Ginnifer Goodwin, and tied in to the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Zanelli brings forth a score that shows the contrast with all of Kennedy’s relationships during his time in office, following the traumatic events leading to his death. We spoke with Geoff on how he was able to bring those scores to life:
“It’s such a huge event in American history. When they called me to do the project, I already knew about the size, scope, and grandness of the assassination. What surprised me about the movie when I watched it, even in the earliest cut, was just how personal it gets. You have Kennedy and Jackie, and their relationship feels really intimate. Then, it’s contrasted with Oswald and his wife, Marina. I think what is making the movie work is that there is this balance between two people’s relationship and then the fate of the country. It’s going from the smallest to the biggest story you can tell at the drop of a hat. That, for me, was a hook. It’s kind of easy to go in and do big, loud music and do a big story. When you start getting into the subtle, intimate details, that’s more challenging. It pays off, and makes the movie balance against itself.”
We spoke more with Geoff about how he first got into music, and how he was first introduced to Hans Zimmer.
Fans can take a look at some of Geoff’s past and upcoming projects by visiting his website at http://geoffzanelli.com, and can follow him on Twitter: @GeoffZanelli.
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