In anticipation of the airing of the 7,000th episode of CBS Daytime’s “The Bold and the Beautiful,” a special video was released showing a time lapse of the Bradley P. Bell Stage 31. Here, you can watch how the crew members put together the sets that we have come to know and love while watching “B&B” in just a 2 minute span!
I think this video is very cool! Check it out for yourself by watching the video below:
Congratulations on reaching this incredible milestone!
Make sure to watch the 7,000th episode of “The Bold and the Beautiful” on Friday, January 23, on CBS Daytime and on POP.
I really love watching the young and restless and bold and beautiful. I wish i could work there i would love it. they are all great people so beautiful. Mr. Bell could i have a job ?. my number is 585-225-6289